aaaaaaAAAAAAHHHHHHH(yaaawwwwwwnnnnnnn...) That feels goood, I like a good yawn.
Thoughts become things, so be careful what you think about. I started a vision book recently, where I cut things out and throw them in this book, those things tend to manifest and become reality. I would suggest it to anyone that has goals. If you don't have goals no doubt you will reach them. If you have goals and write them them down your always 90x more likely to reach them, right? Isn't that the Harvard study we've all heard about? Somethinge like that, either way something to that nature.
I've been currently cutting pictures out of the Philippines, and children being helped, loved and cared for. I can't wait to be there in the Philippines for the first time helping some of these children who are not with families yet, who may never be with a family that we all know.
So to start a little VISION BOOK checklist if your interested simple, grab the following.
1)Moleskin book with empty pages. (6$)
2)Bunch of magazine of your favorite things yet to be (10-50$ Library throws out Mags all the time)
3)Inspirational music (Free see additional link ;-) )
4)Uninterrupted time to your self (priceless)
Also something to think about this is a totally great gift idea, very inexpensive, and what better gift can you give someone than the ability to shape and design their desitny. Like Tiger said "Huge".
This gift will change someone's life, it did mine. The thoughts and images you put in here will come true, so be careful what you put in your book of dreams and visions.
Now here's some music from me to you. Aptly written for all the ladies that come in and out of my life.
As you go mp3 by Sammyt303
~Sammy T~
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